Business Services

It is the mission of the Kent ISD Business Services Department to provide accurate, detailed information, with an emphasis on continued improvement, collaboration and customer satisfaction of all local districts.

What We Do

We provide Business Services to internal and external Kent ISD customers. These services include, Grant Management, Budgeting, Purchase Orders, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Accounts Receivable, MUNIS Financial Software and MUNIS Employee Self Service Software Management.

Kevin Philipps

Assistant Superintendent - Administrative Services
Phone: 616-365-2219

Kathy Graham

Administrative Assistant
Phone: 616-365-2219

Dennis Baine

Director of Fiscal Services
Phone: 616-365-2212

Questions? Contact Us

Administrative Services

FAX (616) 365-2383

Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services
Kevin Philipps

Administrative Assistant
Kathy Graham

Business Office

FAX: (616) 365-2336

Director Fiscal Services
Dennis Baine

Payroll/Benefits Kent ISD
Pamela Suntken
Mary Fedewa
Jill Turnquist

Payroll Locals
Franchesca Vidal
Jason Gavie

Accounts Payable
Sherri Hess

Accounts Payable Locals and P-Cards
Liz Veen
Jill Wilson

Accounts Receivable

Grant Management
Anna Schutter

Collin Howell

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